Tips to Minimize VR Sickness

Virtual Reality (VR) offers immersive experiences that can transport us to other worlds, but for some, it can also bring about motion sickness. In this post, we’ll explore valuable tips to help you or your users avoid VR-induced discomfort.

VR Development Best Practice

By following these VR development best practices, you can create VR applications that captivate users, provide a comfortable experience, and maximize the potential of this exciting technology.

XR Market Opportunities for Tourism

The tourism industry is at a crossroads, embracing the transformative power of Extended Reality (XR) technologies to offer visitors immersive and captivating experiences. In this post, we’ll dive into the XR market opportunities for tourism, examining the key challenges facing the industry, innovative solutions to overcome them, and the vast potential opportunities that lie ahead.

4 Main Steps into XR as a Software Developer

Are you a software developer looking to venture into the exciting world of Extended Reality (XR) development? Embarking on your XR development journey requires careful planning and consideration. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the four main steps you should take when starting your XR development journey.

XR Market Opportunities for Education

The incorporation of Extended Reality (XR) technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), into education is a burgeoning trend that promises to revolutionize the way we learn. In this post, we’ll dive into the XR market opportunities for education, examining the key challenges educators face, the innovative solutions to address them, and the vast potential opportunities that lie ahead.